Distinguishing Legitimate
Websites from Disinformation Websites
The vast majority of websites
about gang stalking are of marginal value or – even worse – contain deliberate
Most of the disinformation
websites can be easily identified as such because they contain a little bit of
information about organized stalking mixed with lots of postings about
spiritual warfare, demons, UFO abductions, and such.
Disinformation websites also
tend to devote relatively little attention to the psyops tactics which are
commonly used and reported by victims (and whose historical use by military,
intelligence, and law enforcement agencies in matters unrelated to gang
stalking are well-documented). Instead, disinformation websites tend to focus
on things like energy weapons and “implants.”
Of course, energy weapons and
medical implants do exist. I discuss the issue of Directed Energy Weapons
(DEWs) in detail in the “What is Gang Stalking?” section of this website.
Concerning implants: doctors implant medical devices in patients, and veterinarians
implant chips in dogs and cats. Also, anyone who has read about MK Ultra, for
example, knows that the CIA got caught conducting secret illegal experiments on
humans – so it’s not completely out of the range of possibility that a corrupt
doctor or someone could implant some kind of device (either for tracking
purposes or whatever) in a gang stalking victim.
Still, it’s far more likely
that discussion (or at least most discussion) of DEWs and implants is simply
being used as a disinformation tactic. That’s because government trolls and
perp’s know that the vast majority of people (including journalists, for
example) would be deeply skeptical of such claims – and would therefore be
likely to discount everything about gang stalking if it’s associated
with such discussions.
The following websites are
legitimate and worth visiting.
Gang Stalking is Murder
I list this site first for a
reason – namely, that its author, Keith Labella, is one of the most
authoritative sources of information on gang stalking. He doesn’t just
speculate about the subject and re-post garbage from other websites; he files
Freedom of Information Act requests, obtains affidavits and official
correspondence, etc.
Now Public
Now Public hosts
self-published articles from numerous writers on a variety of topics. Several
writers post material there about gang stalking. The best articles are posted
under the pseudonym “PeaceFrog.” Some of those articles – and new material –
are now also at “Gang Stalking is Murder” above.
Now Public articles sometimes
have numerous comments from readers. Predictably, some of the comments
associated with the gang stalking articles are from government disinformation
trolls, but it’s instructive to see how they operate. See the comments posted
by “batvette” for example.
Public Comment Forums About
Gang Stalking
The next two websites are
public forums where anyone can post comments about gang stalking. Naturally
there are plenty of posts by disinformation trolls, but there are also many
comments from victims. My very rough guess is that maybe three-fourths of the
comments are from disinfo agents.
You can either start reading
these forum discussions at their beginnings or you can click on “Go to the
last page” to see the most recent comments.
It’s possible that reading
comments from the more recent years would be more helpful because – as years
pass – the legitimate posts by gang stalking victims are – in theory – more
likely to be better-informed since more information keeps leaking out about
Cointelpro/gang-stalking over time.
Interestingly – and stalking
victims might find this amusing – it appears that either or both forums were
started by disinformation trolls, but have partly evolved into semi-useful
platforms for victims to share legitimate information despite the mostly bogus
Some comments indicate that
some victims are refusing to tolerate their abuse quietly – which of course is
very good news.
The very first comment posted
in the “Debate Forum” is clearly that of a troll – based on the content of his
numerous comments. It isn’t even a close call. “Hektor Seven” is one of those
people whose presence on the forum could not be explained any other way.
Why would a non-victim be
obsessed with the subject of gang stalking – and trying to constantly register
his skepticism about it? People who think astrology is silly don’t devote all
their time trying to debunk it. At most, they might write a few
letters/comments/articles, but then they would lose interest and move on.
Another clue is that
immediately after launching his forum “Hektor” begins citing the New York Times
article “Sharing Their Demons on the Web.” For my deconstruction of that
article, see the “Gang Stalking Documents” section of the website you’re
viewing, FightGangStalking.com
The vast majority of disinfo
comments are just rambling and incoherent and irrelevant and boring.
I recommend that victims view
these forums more as opportunities for victims to spread useful information –
rather than as sources to learn useful information. If enough genuine targeted
individuals (“TIs”) begin posting comments, that could change. Of course, if
the ratio of legitimate comments to bogus ones becomes too high, the
disinformation trolls will presumably ramp-up their counter-efforts to
drown-out the valid information.
I have seen comments alleging
that some legitimate messages posted in the forums are sometimes deleted. I
have not experienced that personally, but I suppose it could be true. It could
also be disinformation – this is the spy vs. spy counterintelligence nature of
the game. If you do notice comments being deleted, you might want to start
saving print-screen images capturing your comments – and then send them to the
administrators of the website as evidence of hacking.
Visitors to these forums might
occassionally see the following comment which I have begun re-posting
Standard Warning About Forum
This is not a response to any
particular comment in this forum – just a general point that I post here
All these forums about gang
stalking are saturated with comments from perp’s (gang stalking trolls posing
as victims). Some of the comments are legitimate though, so it’s still worth
visiting these forums.
Many perp comments are just
rambling incoherent statements and lunatic-fringe B.S. about whether someone’s
brain is being controlled by the government through the victim’s toaster or
The other type of perp comment
is the kind that appears reasonable, except that when you read it carefully you
realize that the purpose is to distract the conversation away from anything
useful – like how to disrupt harassment tactics or how to expose police
involvement in gang stalking.
That’s called disinformation.
If they put enough garbage into these forums, victims will be less likely to
visit them. Also, anyone who is not a victim and stumbles across the forum will
think all self-proclaimed gang stalking victims are crazy.
Disregard the name associated
with each comment. Perp’s can post comments under any name they choose, so it
doesn’t mean anything. For example, perp’s sometimes use names of legitimate
victims who have posted comments in the forum.
Just evaluate each comment
based on common sense. Is it logical helpful advice?
If you want to expose the
trolls in these forums, go ahead when it’s obvious. But don’t waste much time
on it. Perp’s get paid to post comments; victims don’t.
Legitimate victims of gang
stalking who regularly visit these forums already know all this, so to you
folks I apologize for re-posting this information. It’s important to keep
putting this out for victims visiting these forums for the first time, and just
reading the most recent comments.
Most websites about gang
stalking – just like most forum comments – are garbage. Here are two websites
which are clearly legitimate. If you agree that they’re helpful, please try to
spread information about them online. For example, you can copy and paste this
comment into other forums occasionally.
Thanks for helping to shine a
light on the Stasi cockroaches who participate in gang stalking.
“Gang Stalking and
Psychological Harassment”
This forum began in June
2007. As of June 2013, there were over 12,000 comments.
“ Gang Stalking Debate Forum”
This forum began in January
2010. As of June 2013, there were over 7,000 comments.
Websites which are legitimate,
but not well-edited and updated
The following websites are
legitimate (they don’t seem to contain obvious disinformation) although they
are not always well-edited and/or kept up to date.
The first of these
(GangStalkingWorld.Wordpress.com) should not be confused with
gangstalking.wordpress.com – which is labeled within the site as “Gang Stalking
World” and might show up first in a Google search of that name. The first site
is legitimate; the second is filled with extraneous content and is apparently a
disinformation site designed to get web traffic intended for the other site.
The next site is legitimate,
but has been inactive (not updated) for years.
The following site is
legitimate (it exposes the true nature of FFCHS for example), but is also not
updated or well-edited.
Gang Stalking Websites to
Avoid (Disinformation Sites)
A complete list of gang
stalking websites to avoid would be very long, but I must at least warn
readers about freedomfchs.com – which is clearly a disinformation
website. FFCHS purports to be a support group for gang stalking victims, but is
actually an organization run by cointelpro perp’s. For details, please see the
“FFCHS” page of this blog, and share the warning with others, so they won’t be
The fed’s have created
numerous other versions of FFCHS, with varying degrees of apparent idiocy. They
are all designed to draw in anyone searching for information about gang
stalking/cointelpro by the same tactic: the websites appear possibly legitimate
at first blush, and then become clearly bogus on closer inspection, so (a)
non-victims will think all self-proclaimed targeted individuals are not
credible, and (b) victims might eventually give-up trying to find legitimate
information online after encountering numerous dead-ends.
Here is a good example of a
disinformation website:
Websites Which Cover Police
State Issues & Government Criminality
Here are some of the best
sources of information about America’s drift toward a police state – the
erosion of civil liberties, excesses of the war on terrorism, the drug war,
warrantless surveillance, drone assassinations, persecution of whistle-blowers,
the federal government’s penchant for secrecy, interventionist foreign policy,
the corrupting influence of the military/intelligence/police/prison industrial
complex, the collusion of government and corporations to advance the interests
of the rich and powerful at the expense of the majority, etc. Gang stalking is
an extreme manifestation of that overall trend.
A libertarian
journal. Excellent source of reporting on the excesses of big government. Brian
Doherty and others often cover abuses of power by local and federal
police. Also, Reason often has the best readers’ comments of any site on
the Internet.
Greenwald at the Guardian
excellent column “On Security and Liberty” is mainly a critique of domestic and
foreign policy of the U.S. police state. The entire Guardian website is also an
excellent news source – in part because it is more politically independent of
the U.S. government than many of its American counterparts.
progressive/leftist news and opinion journal. They publish some articles by
libertarians and (paleo) conservatives also. They seem to be editorially
fearless – for example, see the January 21, 2013 article in the “Gang Stalking
News” section of this website for their excellent article on the past and
present versions of Cointelpro (gang stalking).
Mother Jones
left-leaning news and opinion journal which began in 1976. It was named after
Mary Harris Jones (“Mother Jones”), a union activist. Good coverage of
whistle-blowers, human rights issues, and government corruption.
Democracy Now!
A daily TV
and radio news program from a progressive perspective. Award-winning
investigative journalist Amy Goodman is the co-founder and news director.
The Nation
in 1865, The Nation is described by Wikipedia as “the oldest continuously
published weekly magazine in the U.S.”
Good coverage
of new technologies and government policies on technology issues.
Info Wars
Coverage of
possible and actual government conspiracies and abuse of power. Sometimes too
quick to engage in speculation about conspiratorial activities, but other times
simply out front on topics not yet deemed safe for mainstream news coverage.
Matt Taibbi at
Rolling Stone
Matt Taibbi’s blog in the Politics section of Rolling Stone has excellent
uncensored coverage of the corrupting influence on government by the financial
industry, and issues about government surveillance of citizens.
Surveillance in the Homeland
organization’s website describes its objective as follows:
We hope to reawaken awareness
of the true extent of government surveillance, and of the violations routinely
carried out in the name of securing the “homeland.” Join us as we explore the
policies that are continually chipping away at our legal protections, bolstered
by a culture of pervasive fear.
The Technology Liberation Front
constantly seek to control and exploit technology to expand their powers. One
of the last sources of protection of individual freedoms is the free flow of
information via the Internet. The Technology Liberation Front is dedicated to
fighting efforts by governments to over-regulate the Internet, media, and
related communications technology.
The Daily Beast
The Daily
Beast covers a wide range of popular culture and news topics from politically
diverse perspectives. It’s more ideologically independent than most of its
competitors. To their credit, they had the backbone to publish an article
on “mobbing” – the workplace harassment element of gang stalking (See the “Gang
Stalking News” section of this website – August 13, 2000).
This Week’s Corrupt Cop
relying on mainstream news media for information have no idea of the extent to
which the drug war is corrupting America’s law enforcement agencies. Police
corruption cases involving drugs are so common that the anti-prohibition
organization StopTheDrugWar.Org publishes a weekly review of
drug-related crimes by police officers. The group never seems to run out of
news – and these are just the cops who get caught.