is an online system for collaborative data sharing used by the United States
Intelligence Community (IC). It was established as a pilot project in
late 2005 and formally announced in April 2006 and consists of three wikis
running on JWICS, SIPRNet, and Intelink-U. The levels of classification allowed
for information on the three wikis are Top Secret, Secret, and Sensitive But
Unclassified/FOUO information, respectively. They are used by individuals with
appropriate clearances from the 16 agencies of the IC and other
national-security related organizations, including Combatant Commands and other
federal departments. The wikis are not open to the public.
is a project of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Intelligence Community Enterprise Services (ICES) office headquartered in Fort
Meade, Maryland. It includes information on the regions, people, and issues of
interest to the communities using its host networks. Intellipedia uses
MediaWiki, the same software used by the Wikipedia free-content encyclopedia
project. ODNI officials say that the project will change the culture of
the U.S. intelligence community, widely blamed for failing to “connect the
dots” before the September 11 attacks.
Secret version connected to SIPRNet predominantly serves Department of Defense
and the Department of State personnel, many of whom do not use the Top Secret
JWICS network on a day-to-day basis. Users on unclassified networks can access
Intellipedia from remote terminals outside their workspaces via a VPN, in
addition to their normal workstations. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) users
share information on the unclassified network. (Source: Wikipedia)
Manual, 2007 Edition, Released in Full [17 Pages, 1.73MB] – After appealing
this 2009 request for a FULL denial, the document was sent to the Department of
State, and finally released in full in October of 2013.
of Pigs [ 8 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 08/2014 ]
Benghazi [
9 Pages, 0.9MB | a/o 05/2016 ]
Spear [ 5 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 12/2015 ]
Arrow [ 5 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 12/2015 ]
X [ 5 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 07/2016 ]
Satellite [ 21 Pages, 3.19MB | a/o 02/2014 ]
Sword [ 5 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 12/2015 ]
Echelon [
2 Pages, 3.19MB | 03/2014 ] – The FOIA for this entry received the “GLOMAR
Freemasonry [
18 Pages, 3.2MB | a/o 09/2016 ]
5 Pages, 0.7MB | a/o 03/2016 ]
Greenbrier Hotel [ 6 Pages, 0.4MB | a/o 09/2014 ]
Assassination [ 4 Pages, 0.99MB | a/o 01/2013 ]
/ Mind Control [ 16 Pages, 2.76MB | a/o 03/2013 ]
Incident [ 7 Pages, 1.4MB | a/o 09/2016 ]
Weapons Accident [ 7 Pages, 1.4MB | a/o 09/2016 ]
Weapon Deficiency [ 7 Pages, 1.4MB | a/o 09/2016 ]
Weapon Incident [ 7 Pages, 1.4MB | a/o 09/2016 ]
Garden Plot [ 1 Page, 0.6MB | a/o 04/2014 ] – For more documents,
check out the Operation
Garden Plot Archive on The Black Vault.
Mongoose / Cuban Project [ 5 Pages, 1.1MB | a/o 10/2016 ]
Viewing [ 7 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 09/2014 ]
Powers / New Age Category Pages [ 4 Pages, 0.5MB ] After finding
the Remove Viewing entry above, I requested the two category pages to see what
other entries I could find. I was told “no records” existed. I appealed based
on the above document. I was denied under the “appeal.” Strangely, 6
weeks later, I received this letter and responsive documents. There WERE
records relating to my request, and even though I appealed the original
decision, I was denied a SECOND time. What happened? I also requested all FOIA
Processing Notes [16 Pages, 0.8MB] for this request. Interesting to see the
behind the scenes notes, as it appears they had caught their mistake when
receiving my appeals, and yet they STILL denied them. Luckily, the honest NSA
employee who was curiously looking at “unrelated” cases, made the NSA send me a
follow up which is above.
Scientology (State
Dept. Release) [ 6 Pages, 0.4MB | a/o 11/2014 ]
Select Committee on Intelligence [ 9 Pages, 2.1MB | a/o 08/2016 ]
SIDToday [
5 Pages, 1.5MB | a/o 05/2016 ]
Flying Objects (UFOs) [ 3 Pages, 0.9MB | a/o 04/2014 ] – NSA
FOIA Processing Notes [6 Pages, 0.6MB]
States Secret Service [ 9 Pages, 1.59MB | a/o 02/2011 ]
Commission [ 5 Pages, 0.9MB | a/o 02/2011 ]
Watergate [
5 Pages, 0.9MB | a/o 12/2013 ]
Point Energy [ 4 Pages, 0.6MB | a/o 9/2014]
Records” Response for these entries:
– B-21 Bomber (April 2016)
– Fossil Fuel(s) (March 2016)
– Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory (October 2016)
– Guccifer (July 2016)
– INSLAW (October 2016)
– Intelligence Evaluation Committee (July 2016)
– Manchurian Candidate (August 2016)
– New Age (September 2014)
– Noah’s Ark (September 2014)
– Nuclear Winter (October 2015)
– Paranormal (September 2014)
– Parapsychology (September 2014)
– Parapsychological (July 2015)
– Project Tacana (October 2016)
– PROMIS (October 2016)
– Psychic Powers (September 2014)
– Psychotronics (July 2015)
– Rockefeller Initiative (July 2016)